Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where was I?

Ah, yes. So I was in Colorado. Here is a photo of our office that I borrowed from TheFacebook. In fact, all of these photos were borrowed. So, um, thanks anonymous photographers.
The nerve center of Change in Pueblo
Here we have beautiful Union Depot. It's a very democratic town.
The line to see the Obamessiah the weekend before E-day.
Not long after reluctantly returning to the west coast, I decided to rejoin Team Pueblo on their newest adventure - Operation Martin for Senate Runoff Election Edition! (photographic record: obliterated. I don't want to talk about it.)
Our days were spent canvassing (although I happen to know that certain other volunteers spent the time they should have been canvassing out at local soul food breakfast buffet Big Daddy's) and eating at Chick-Fil-A and our nights were spent with a very charitable but also very strange local volunteer. Our lovely stay in beautiful Jonesboro, Georgia, faced only a minor setback when it became quite clear that we didn't actually even come close to winning. Some political analysts tried to use this crushing defeat as an example of the inefficacy of the Obama for America model of community mobilization.

From our perspective, though, it was a long shot from the beginning. Georgia is a very red state and it's hard to compete with Sarah Palin riling up the base about the dangers of giving Obama a "blank check". Plus, poor Jim had barely any cash. Look at how tiny his bus was. You can't credibly RV for Change in something that size.

Plus, this is the kind of excitement Jim Martin inspired everywhere he went.

The trip was far from a bust, though, especially considering the amount of BBQ we managed to eat on the drive back to D.C. Then (after stopping there for a few days to catch my breath) I headed up to New York to visit my long lost Kate for her birthday. Good times were had, but sadly, yes, the photos are gone. Sigh.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Epic Fail

So I was planning a really great entry for today. I was going to tell you all about my time in Colorado and it was going to be really great because I was going to illustrate it with some of the hundreds of photos I took while I was there. I was going to show you the office(s) where I spent 20 hours a day, the people who I met, the cookies that I ate. I had pictures of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and the beautiful Pueblo scenery. Amazing, once-in-a-lifetime memories. Pictures from election night, pictures of a place and people I'll probably never see again, pictures that for some reason I didn't copy onto my computer back in November.

Unfortunately, I have lost the memory card with those precious photos on it, probably forever, and I've been so distraught about that that I haven't had the time or the energy to write that post and have instead been spending my time unpacking and repacking my possessions, in the desperate hope that one of these times that little thumbnail of plastic containing some of my most precious memories will fall from the folds of one of my 10 t-shirts or 3 pairs of pants. I really don't have that many possessions and lately it's become much more difficult to delude myself into believing that if I just look in my suitcase one more time I will find something I've overlooked the last 5 or 6 times.

No, it's now become abundantly clear that my pictures are gone forever. And I. Am. Not. Happy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

2009. A new year. A new opportunity to make myself a better person, to find new adventures, to plumb as-yet-unknown depths of profound poverty. I don't usually go in for all of that New Year's resolutions business. Do we all really need more excuses to feel badly about ourselves? For example, this year I resolved to blog at least once per week. And here we are, halfway through February, and I'm just getting around to my first post of the new year. This is exactly why I don't believe in resolutions. Who needs that kind of pressure?

And why haven't I managed to write anything in over two months? It must be my busy schedule. It takes true dedication to watch 17 hours of House every day. Throw in a few trips to the refrigerator and it's amazing I still find time to squeeze in a few episodes of Law and Order and the occasional shower.

But seriously. What have I been doing with my life? Stay tuned in the coming days (I promise!) and I'll fill you in, complete with the photographic record. Exciting!