Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's finally election day! The time has just FLOWN by and I can't believe we're really ready to do this. Today I am the "roving Field Organizer" which means I am basically the boss since my boss is sequestered in an undisclosed location (this is all part of the community empowerment).

I got plenty of sleep last nights - tons actually compared to what I'm used to these days. But I did get called a communist by the people hanging outside of the bar next door on my way home. So I don't really know what the day will hold.

Things definitely have the potential to get crazy today. The republicans don't have anywhere near our manpower, but they do have nasty tricks. Last night we found out that the republicans got a hold of our list of poll watchers and called them all last night telling them their services weren't needed today. And these are the people who are trying to ensure a fair election.

I'll probably be somewhat behind in my election news today, although we are trying to listen on the radio. Feel free to give me a call if something amazing/terrible happens. Love you all, see you on the other side.

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